Monday, January 24, 2011

Working over the weekend

I worked all weekend and would like to share some of my experiences.  Saturday I worked in the triage area all day.  Fortunately, we had a good day because usually triage can be very hectic.  This was the first day I have been in triage the entire day in a long time.  The director in the ER said that we will be rotating more nurses through there which I appreciate because it gives my job more variety.  Furthermore, it helps my triage skills, the more I perform this, the better I will be.  The computer system is fairly user friendly but I made several mistakes.  For example, one of the questions we ask patients is their smoking history.  One patient told me he has been smoking for 7 years but I documented he smokes 7 packs of cigarettes a day, oops.  Saturday I worked in a different area which has 4 private patient treatment rooms.  Most of the patients were fairly ill and needed treatment.  This always makes me feel better when I am treating truly ill patients versus patients who are there for non critical reasons.  More technology which I will mention here is the system which enables the nurses to obtain medication for their patients.  Saturday morning I was quite frustrated with our system.  The system won't tell you which machine the medication is in until some time has passed, the pharmacist needs to verify the medication first.  There are several 'pods' in the department I work and sometimes you need to go to the different areas to find the medications you are looking for which seems like a scavenger hunt, a little frustrating but the patient eventually got all his meds.  So, overall, a pretty good weekend at work, can't complain too much because who's going to listen, ha

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